Our motivation for generosity is God’s goodness to us. We give in response to God’s radical generosity to us in giving us His Son.
The only response to this radical generosity is radical generosity ourselves.

Jesus was very clear

that it’s not possible to serve both God and money; we must make sure that God is on the throne of our hearts, not money. One temperature test for this is our attitude towards giving and how willing we are to be generous.

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Cor 9:7

Your giving contributes directly

to the mission and ministry of St Peter’s. It enables everything we do at St Peter’s, including Sunday services, work with families, children, and young people, and Alpha.

All that happens at St Peter’s is made possible by those who pray, serve, and give to the work of the church. We could not do it without you.

Thank you so much!

Standing Order

The most efficient way for to give to us is directly via the bank through standing order, as there are no fees involved, and we get 100% of your donation.

The account details at CAF bank are:
Account name: OADBY PCC
Account Number: 00011535
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Please quote the reference as ‘General Giving’


If you wish to give via Credit/Debit card, you can do so using the link below. You can give via this method either as a one-off or recurring donation.


Planned giving via the bank is the most helpful for us to plan, but we gratefully receive all gifts.
Cheques are made payable to Oadby PCC and can be sent via the post. You can also give by cash, cheque or card at our Sunday services.

You may wish to consider leaving a gift to St Peter’s in your will. By leaving a gift in your will it allows us to do work that our regular day to day giving can’t support. This could be things such as developments of the buildings, buying new resources for children & youth work or other investment in mission.
We are unable to offer any advice on writing a will, but if you already have a will and would like to leave a gift to St Peter’s in it, all you have to do is contact your will provider with our formal name, address and charity number (see below):
Formal Name: The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Oadby
Registered Charity Number: 1132456
Registered Address: Parish Office, St Peter’s Centre, Wigton Road, Oadby, LE2 5QE

Gift Aid

For UK taxpayers, we are able to reclaim 25p for every £1 given, at no extra cost to you. To allow us to claim Gift Aid on your behalf, please complete the declaration using the link below.