St Peter’s church has regular services at 8 am and 10 am on Sunday morning, and 10:30 am on Thursday
We are also open from about 9 am to around midday most weekdays for private prayer.
Please respect everyone's personal space.

This week at St Peter’s

Saturday 31st August @ 9:00 am

             Mens’ breakfast at Zeph’s Cafe

Sunday 1st September

08:00 am BCP Communion service
            led by Revd Linda Harwood
10:00 am Family Communion Service
led by Revd Linda Harwood (livestream)

Tuesday 3rd September @2:00 pm
          Tuesday Teas in the Manor Room
Wednesday 4th September @8:00 pm

            Prayer and praise in church
Thursday 5th September @ 10:30 am
             Holy Communion
             with prayers for healing
             led by Revd Linda Harwood

Sunday 8th September

08:00 am BCP Communion service
            led by Revd Luke Briggs
10:00 am Family Communion Service
led by Revd Luke Briggs (livestream)
4:00 pm Family Service
             led by Revd Linda Harwood
             and Christine Broad

Tuesday 10th September @ 7:00 pm
            Minster Communities Q & A
            led by Revd Steve Bailey

Names from the Memorial book


29th August
Violet Butlin (1927 – 2001)
30th August
31st August
Barbara Cynthia Williams (1922 – 2004)
1st September
John William Laughton (1919 – 1999)
Chris R Hewitt (1953 – 2011)
2nd September
3rd September
James Michael Sharman (1930 – 2016)
Kenneth Edgar Allin (1919 – 2005)
Ann Bannon Marbut Baker (1939 – 2020)
4th Septmber
Audrey Jean Fryer (1931 – 2003)
5th September
6th September

William Hewitt Jackson (1904 – 1993)
Ralph John Brown (1924 – 2004)
Peter John Mabbutt (1930 – 1998)

Across the road is St Peter’s Centre which is used by many community groups on a regular basis.
The Parish Office is also located in the Centre. It provides services and support for all the Anglican churches in the Oadby-Great Glen Benefice.

St Peter’s is a vibrant church with a warm sense of belonging within the Oadby community of South Leicester.  These pages offer a glimpse of the vitality and depth of spiritual life and service to the people of Oadby and beyond.

May God the Creator bless you.
May God the Son walk with you.
May God the Spirit lead your lives with love.  Amen

If you have a safeguarding concern, then please contact our local Safeguarding Co-ordinator,
Mrs Juliet Bewley or Revd Jon Tearne
Their details are available from the Parish Office (
If you wish to speak to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or to someone outside the church, their contact details are available here

There is always an open invitation to come forward with information
or make a new disclosure regarding church-related abuse or a request for support.